Video Recording and Cadence Guide

Here is a simple and quick guide on how to record your videos and measure your cadence. You don’t need to be an expert and it’s going to take you no more than 2 minutes. Are you ready?

1. How to record your videos

  • We need only three videos of you: front, side and rear view
  • Use your phone to record your videos.
  • If you take the video on treadmill: set your treadmill at 1% elevation.
  • If you take the video outdoor: run on flat surface
  • Speed: run at your training pace. If you’re not sure what this is, run at a comfortable pace.
  • Clothing and footwear: wear the shoes you normally run in. Wear tight running leggings or shorts. Ruck your t-shirt in.
  • Remember to warmup before taking your videos.

a. Side view

Treadmill recording: Record for 15 seconds. Your whole body needs to be included. If not possible, take 15 seconds of upper body and 15 seconds of lower body

Outdoor recording: place the camera beside you. Record up to 5 seconds.

b. Rear view

Treadmill recording: Record for 15 seconds. Your whole body needs to be included.

Outdoor recording: place the camera behind you. Record up to 5 seconds

c. Front view

Treadmill recording: Record 15 seconds video. Your lower half body needs to be included.

Outdoor recording: place the camera in front of you. Record up to 5 seconds

2. How to measure your cadence

We need to know how many steps you do per minute. This is a very important metric to assess and an essential element of your running!

  • Please set a 1 minute timer.
  • Start running.
  • When comfortable, start the timer and count the number of steps you do until the timer is over.
  • The final number is your cadence! Tell us your cadence!


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