Group Class :
Join me online or chose the recorded class if you cannot attend and don't want to miss it!

What you'll learn

No matter your age or fitness level, I will guide you through all the phases of this ancient practice. My mission is to help you enjoy every moment of your Tai Chi session. Below are the phases of a typical 1 hour class:

  • Taolu: the traditional 72 steps Chen Tai Chi Form and 24 steps Yang Tai Chi Form
  • Qigong practice
  • The Iron Shirt: three basic Practices to strengthen the internal organs and achieve firm rooting, the tendons’ changing and strengthening
  • Yi Jin Jin: extended, soft and even movements that flex the spine invigorate the limbs and internal organs
  • Ba duan jin: stimulate the various meridians inside the body and enhance  the Chi Flow
  • Tui-shou*: balance and relaxation techniques while in contact with your partner
  • Chinese Massage* : Release stiffness, improve blood circulation and enhance Chi flow


"Inspiring, calming and energising. We love following Luca's guidance and enjoying the benefits of his teachings. Highly recommended". 

Giovanni e Patrizia DF.

Course price

Course price £15


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